Most Impactful Marketing technique of the Modern Marketing World

Most of you will be guessing that I am talking about Digital Marketing which is the most widely used marketing strategy in the modern marketing world. But it's not specifically Digital Marketing. I am talking about a major component of Digital Marketing which is often ignored by most of us when we move forward for making a marketing strategy. It's Content Marketing.

"Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell"
-Seth Godin

Now the question comes that what is content marketing?? Content Marketing is a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material ( such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products and services. It involves creating valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience which can be converted into profitable customers of our products. The keyword here is “valuable.” It’s what changes this definition from one that could describe almost any form of advertising or marketing. You can determine if a piece of content is the sort that could be a thing of a content marketing campaign if people seek it out, if people desire to consume it, rather than avoiding it.

Content marketing is a marketing technique that can provide an edge to one's business over its competitors because all the other digital marketing techniques like online ads, social media marketing, websites, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), etc are already being utilized aggressively by other businesses. Nowadays, these online ads have increased so much that they have become mere interruptions for the audience. That's why content marketing can be the solution as instead of being the interruption, it acts as the thing that the audience wants to see. Also, there is a large scope of innovation in content marketing since the impact of your marketing depends upon the content and its value for your audience. Content Marketing helps in providing a more loyal customer base as compared to other marketing techniques since it involves the voluntary engagement of the customers in the videos, blogs, articles, infographics, etc you are sharing and building trust towards the brand. Here are some kinds of Content Marketing :

  • Blogs

Having a blog on your website that corresponds with your product and its market attracts potential customers looking for the answer your business solves. Blog posts enhance SEO and can be a low-cost way to boost organic traffic. For example, some fitness trainers have their own Blogs in which they provide information to their audience about fitness and health tips and in that way they are able to promote the services provided by them.

  • Videos

Videos engage an audience quickly. According to HubSpot research, 54% of audiences want to see videos from brands they support, which is more than any other type of content. Look around and you’ll find that video content is being consumed like never before. YouTube has transformed into the second biggest search engine in the world. That’s right, not Bing or Yahoo, but YouTube is where people are searching on right after Google for everything. Recipes, product demos, how-to videos – you name it, they’re searching for it. So, providing your audience with some useful and relevant video content related to your product can be a very powerful marketing tool for your product and brand awareness. For example, Fender is a leading Guitar Manufacturer. It is having a youtube channel in which they post videos of guitar playing lessons, Concerts & Jam sessions of famous Guitarists conducted by them, etc to attract music and guitar enthusiasts for building their brand image and promoting their products.

  • Testimonials and customer reviews

Like user-generated content, testimonials and customer reviews are the content created straight from your audience. If you’re working in a niche market, testimonials give a brief synopsis of why your company stands out.
Nike uses testimonials from top athletes to promote their shoes. In fact, most of their Instagram and commercial content comes from celebrity endorsements and reviews.

  • How-to guides/academies

If you’re offering a product like a CRM or any other kind of software, how-to guides are a must in content marketing. From Google Ads to Skillshare and even HubSpot, training courses are an interactive method for new and potential buyers to test drive your product before committing.

  • Influencers

Industry influencers can be highly beneficial to a marketing campaign. Having influencers promote your content can attract an entirely different audience you weren’t previously able to reach. You must have seen many celebrities wearing outfits of a particular brand and in that way promoting that fashion brand.

Taking an example of GoPro. GoPro is a manufacturer of action cameras that are mostly used in adventure sports. They are having a YouTube channel on which they post well-edited video compilations of users doing whatever they are interested in with their GoPro. Their content goes viral consistently because people can either live vicariously through the videos they publish or are able to use them as inspiration for their own extreme adventures. Not only that, but because it’s user-generated, it costs comparatively little to produce. A couple of years ago at the AdAge CMO Strategy Summit, the SVP of GoPro said, “We’re not just a camera company anymore. We’re an enjoyment platform for people all over the world to watch.” Audience engagement on their channel is so high that recently GoPro celebrated 2 billion views on their YouTube channel.

But we can't just avoid other techniques of Digital Marketing. To become an entrepreneur, you need to get familiar with concepts of digital marketing and must have to be savvy in Digital Marketing in order to survive. It would be no exaggeration to state that digital marketing is a buzzword today. When the Internet became global nearly two decades before, people had no hint that it will impact us so deeply. Today it affects almost every element of our life, including the way we conduct marketing. Marketing is being redefined and businesses are no more targeting customers through billboard advertisements. Though billboard ads do exist even today, but it’s a costly alternative and not viable for every business. Here I am providing you with the links of some basic digital marketing tools and platforms of which you should be aware of if you want to do marketing in the present business scenario:
For making Blogs:
Facebook and Instagram Ads:
Google Ads:
Website Analytics by Google:
Twitter Ads:
Search Engine Optimization tools:
Social Media Marketing Automation tools:


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